Eikon and Interface
Interface is from one to another from reality to virtual word, or means interaction, eg Renaissance mediaval to modern world Eikon gives a graphic point eg god gifts us believe which we cannot see, god is extend but with pictures and images in chruch etc represent or reference it.
Simulacrum is from the Latin 'simulac'. An image that's lost in touch of what it referred to and now has an empty meaning, detachability of image throughout Technology. Copies of an object make the original meaningless.
William said ' to differenciate an product from another you use symbolic value. The image becomes detached from the product.
Advertising turns objects into signs and signifier e.g. a car advert, it no longer denotes the car but also connotes a symbolic value. The car gets turned into a sign of something else. The car becomes a sign or a value. William said advertising is a magic system because its similar to magical systems in societies as it turns material objects into signs of something unmaterial.
E.g. emotions on computers are signs, signs are enough to show how your feeling you don't physically need to laugh or cry. Once you have expressed your feeling through using the emotions on the computer.
Original copy Manipulated copy

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